Economics Theory [2021 A/L]

Our Virtual Theory Classes for Economics are expertly designed and conducted by Mr. Imran Hasheem who is one of the most experienced, reputed and recommended lecturers for English Medium – Advanced Level Economics. These sessions  are offered to students via the specially designed ‘Mind-Hub Learning System’.

The key features & benefits of the program are as follows:

  • Virtual Class Sessions are regularly held weekly
  • Comprehensive and updated Lesson/Study Materials (PDF version and Hard-copy made available)
  • Virtual Whiteboard (Power point based) Visual Explanations 
  • Recordings of sessions accessible (Complete Catch-up Options) via the Mind-Hub Virtual Learning Platform
  • Regular MCQ/OTQ reviews/quizzes & unit based mock exam held online
  • Periodic unit/sub-unit based ‘Q & A Discussion via Zoom: Special Doubt Clarification Sessions’

Virtual Classes will be held every Tuesday from 6.00 pm – 8.00 pm

Recording of the real-time streamed class sessions will be available to view on Monday of the following week from 5.00am – 10.00pm on the ‘Recorded Catch-up Sessions’ below.

Start Learning…

  1. Weekly Theory Sessions

    Weekly Real-time Streamed Session - Please click on the title to access

  2. Recorded Catch-up Sessions

    Previously on "Economics Theory 2021 A/L" - Please click on the title to access

  3. Practice Assignments

    Your Assignments to be Completed - Please click on the title to access


Imran Hasheem

MBA (Merit) UOW (UK), P.Dip in Bus. Mgt (UK), CISM (UK)
Founder / Course Director ‘Mind-ventures’

Counting 15 years of experience specializing in lecturing Economics in the English medium. Consistently producing outstanding pass rates & Island 1st ranked students in A/Ls. Visiting lecturer for AAT (SL), CIMA(UK), University courses, mainstream national and international school for A/L Economics.