I’m more than just glad to have joined Imran Sir’s class for economics. He paved us the way to obtain an A grade for economics through his humble way of teaching.
Thanushi Perera (3 As)
Musaeus College – 2019 A/L

Thank you Imran Sir for everything you have done. Your guidance on the subject and every other thing were very helpful for us to achieve this result.
Rashmi Shihara (3 As)
Anula Vidyalaya – 2019 A/L

I’m really happy about my A/L results. I’m very glad that I did all the mock exams before the actual exam. Sir, even though the subject was boring at times, you did your best at making us understand the lessons. Thank you for your motivation & inspiration.
Madeeha Imthiaz (3 As)
St. Paul’s Girls School – 2019 A/L

Thank you Imran Sir for teaching and giving your best to educate us and motivating us to achieve a better grade. At the beginning I was weak in economics, after coming for your class I was able to obtain a better grade. Thank you Sir for conducting mock exams which improved us to face the exams even better. With all of your blessings I succeeded in A/Ls. Thank you.
Fazlin Amith (3 As)
Zahira College – 2019 A/L

Selecting Imran Sir’s classed for economics was the right decision I made. His explanations & notes have always been very clear and up to the standard. The mock exams, weekly review papers and Pass program helped me to develop myself in writing standard answers. Imran Sir has not only been a teacher but also been a mentor. Thank you so much for your guidance Sir!
Zineera Munaf (3 As)
Muslim Ladies College – 2019 A/L

Thank you so much Sir for everything you did for us. Your theory class, revision class & mock exams were very helpful for us to achieve a good grade. Thank you once again Sir!
Gayara Wickramathilaka (3 As)
Anula Vidyalaya – 2019 A/L

I am very much grateful to the teacher who had been a very big encouragement in helping us to achieve our goals. The Mock Exams & the PASS program supported us a lot too face the final exam with confidence. Thank you Imran Sir.
Fathima Aqeelah (3 As)
Jeelan Central College – 2019 A/L

Thank you Sir for everything you put on us. Your guidance & the teaching was the backbone of my result. Your PASS program & the mock exams helped me a lot to pass the exam & thank you once again.
Malki Jayasinghe (3 As)
Anula Vidyalaya – 2019 A/L

Your theory program & the revision was very helpful to get ‘A’ Pass for economics. Thank you.
Shanmuganathan Madhushanth (1 A, 2 Bs)
Wesley College – 2019 A/L

Everything you taught us were very useful not only for the A/L but for our future. Thank you for everything that you have done for us Imran Sir. A great Teacher!
Irasha Jayaweera (2 As, 1 B)
Musaeus College – 2019 A/L

Sir, I was not your student from the beginning whereas I experienced your classes at the mock exams & discussions very close to the exams. Please continue with your great job at teaching and I hope that you will enlighten more students in the future.
Rasangeline Sureshkumar (2 As, 1 B)
Methodist College – 2019 A/L

I’m very happy about my results. I am very glad that I did the mock exams before the actual exam that helped me to understand my standard. Thank you Sir!
Zuha Usman (2 As, 1 B)
St. Paul’s Girls School – 2019 A/L

Joined Imran Hasheem Sir’s class for the A/L economics revision with poor knowledge in economics. Through Sir’s way of teaching and the mock exam sessions, I was ale to obtain an A for economics. I highly recommend Mind-ventures educational services to my fellow juniors as they are concerned about quality teaching.
Mohammed Althaf (2 As, 1 Bs)
Zahira College – 2019 A/L

Its been a pleasure Sir that I had studies in your class. I felt great & proud to say that I’m your student. Thank you for teaching me, continue your teaching skills for years. Your revision notes helped me a lot.
Lukshitha Sathiyakumar (2 As, 1 B)
Hindu Ladies College – 2019 A/L

I am so happy to be a student of Imran Sir, who gave me his fullest support in terms of covering the syllabus on time with comprehensive explanations & an effective revision class which consisted of many mock exams, fortnightly reviews, a well balanced study plan & practicing enormous number of past paper questions which helped me immensely to succeed in the exam with flying colours.
Mifra Naushad (2 As, 1 B)
Gothami Balika Vidyalaya – 2019 A/L

Choosing Imran Sir as my economics teacher was the best decision that I mmade in my A/L journey. We always wanted to take good results specially for economics because we saw the sacrifices sir made for us, there is no doubt that Sir you worked for us days & nights for our exams more than we worked for our exam. Each and every hour we spend during the class inspired us to achieve our goals, not only for our education but also for our life. Sir you will always be my role model Sir. we will always be thankful for you and Sir each and every students blessing will be there for you always Sirr sacrifices & dedication, selflesness towards us was so clear through our results & I’m sure no any other teacher will be able to compare you eventhough other teachers will try to copy you, your talent is unique Sir. THank you Sir, words can never explain the respect we have towards you Sir.
Sumaiya Nazeer (1 A, 2 Bs)
St. Paul’s Girls School – 2019 A/L